Finley River Valley Days
Went wandering down the lovely Finley River valley yesterday. I was so moved by its beauty, that I sat down and painted another image in my journal, There were cows grazing, and passionflowers in bloom on the fence. Bumblebees, and wood boring bees were floating from flower to flower gathering necter, and pollen. After the rains we {finally!} got, everything is wonderfully lush and green again. There were butterflies everywhere, and birds calling from the woods behind me. Sometimes I think, God gives us a dim, but gilded view of what heaven might be like. I could live with this version, I think.
Northview, blink and miss it....
Last week we went east of town, over thru an Amish community{there are several communities near us} and went thru a tiny town, I had never heard of. Painted this picture in my journal. Across the street was a old church that was set up for the weekly bluegrass and country music jam that everybody around apparently went too. Out back, 2 porto potties. Pretty primitive, but I'll bet the music and comraderie are wonderful here on music nights. This community was still trying to hold on to it's identity, just a little longer in the face of the modern world.