Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nice DAY!

After 3 months of bone chilling cold, it is so nice to see temperatures in 60's. But now, come the thunderstorms. And tornadoes, and the hail. I want just rain. No more weather histrionics, like the 100 year ice storm. Just a nice rain is all I want!

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, February 10, 2007

"The only things here are us chickens" There ain't nobody else at all"

Friday, February 09, 2007

Flock browser

I have been using the new Flock browser on my Macintosh. It seems to have almost everything you would like in a browser. Based on the Firefox browser, it is more integrated with online photo, and blogging, RSS, and news. And, it looks much more "Macish...' than Firefox does. You can up load pictures to Flickr, and Photobucket very easily, Even on my ancient G3 Yosemite, it's pretty fast. In short, I like it. It uses most of the extensions that Firefox has. It only has one theme right now, but it's a nice one. The bookmarks are set up a bit differently than other browsers. It can also be set up to post to online bookmarking sites.

Blogged with Flock